Your input is the cornerstone of our progress. To capture your valuable insights effectively, we conduct surveys focusing on reading needs and preferences, on the relation between reading and training and on the evaluation of real texts. Your contribution is essential for developing the iRead4Skills system. Be part of it!
Reading needs and preferences
Are you participating in an adult training course? Share your experience with us and help us understand what you like to read and what you need to read. Participate!
Reading and training
Did you take an adult training course? Share with us your experience and help us understand what your reading difficulties were and how did you overcome them. Participate!
The iRead4Skills project will organise workshops to present our system, to provide practical guidance on the functioning of the iRead4Skills platform directed to the different users and to the different uses of system (reading suggestions and texts adaptation). Learn more!
Focus Groups
At the iRead4Skills project, we believe in cooperation to drive excellence. Our focus groups play a central role in the development of our system. With the cooperation of trainers from adult training centers in France, Spain, and Portugal, we carefully evaluate different texts complexity levels, catering to diverse populations. Your participation in our focus groups will shape the future of adult learning.
Participate in our events, stay informed and discuss with us the iRead4Skills project results and impact.

iRead4Skills project stands out at the European Corner of the European Researchers’ Night in Oeiras

Skills Horizons
Project Timeline
Departing from information and data collected collaboratively, we will conceive and develop an intelligent complexity classifier and writing assistant that will be freely available online, along with an open database of titles classified according to their complexity.