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lunes, septiembre 18, 2023

iRead4Skills in the celebration of the 44th anniversary of NOVA FCSH

Source: CLUNL

As part of the commemorations of the 44th anniversary of NOVA FCSH, celebrated last November 8 at the Colégio Almada Negreiros, Raquel Amaro was invited to present the project iRead4Skills, recently awarded by the Horizon Europe program under the topic A sustainable future for Europe.

This project aims to assess and reduce gaps in the reading skills of adults with low literacy skills by establishing and monitoring the relationship between improvement in these skills and other basic and transferable skills.

The CLUNL team shares the contentment of the whole team involved in this project, and thanks NOVA FCSH for the invitation to participate in this celebration also on excellence in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.

Know more about this project:

Image gallery of the celebrations:

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